Testing London Police Stations from Inside

I can only “grasp” Maurice (without gasping) by comparing him with Clint Eastwood.  He just comes up with different “out of the box” ideas to tackle problems. And he thrives on adrenaline.

Thus he put himself out for the Musas yesterday in Kilburn High Road until a Police Officer helped in the negotiation between a law firm and their former clients.

Today he visited Tottenham Police Station with them. Gloria Musa now has an appointment on Monday, while he was called back to be interviewed. However, after he spoke to me for a long time, his phone was not answered when someone else called him…

The Police Officer on 020 8345 0830 said he’s being well looked after… Do you want to find out for yourself?

About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem: https://primenumbers.store/
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