YOU CAN ONLY BELIEVE the Un-Believable when you know the people concerned: victims, survivors and starfighters

Maurice has been showing up ‘the system’ [of people ‘just doing their job’] and helping other victims as McKenzie Friend for over 30 years. He still believes that the right people in Parliament and the right judges in Courts could make a difference. Even the right solicitors and barristers. But he can’t find any to take on his case.

I’m a systems analyst. I was victimised by the legal team of my former employer CERN and their colluding doctors. In the UK, I only have an axe to grind with my landlord and have thus experienced first hand how a bailiff grabbed the keys of my mum’s car from my hands and how his solicitor raided my bank accounts. It’s supposedly legal, as I allegedly owe him money. I’ll hear about it in court, despite counter claim and appeal…

Meanwhile: Maurice is in a cell in HMP Cardiff, allowed to be out for one hour a day. Seriously badly mis-treated, assaulted, not getting medical treatment, visits allowed occasionally only, and certainly not enough to keep his legal proceedings going. Instead, they keep adding reasons for him to fight and fight and fight.

Four proceedings have recently been written up and published on his blog, while Melissa whom he visited in HMP Holloway, is at least warm in Washington, while sleeping in her wheelchair since she has no bed – after the authorities deported her ‘without reception and rehabilitation’ whilst keeping her son for adoption…

What happens in Family Courts is yet more beyond belief:

Tissues of Lies – the ‘technical’ term in judicial circles. BUT when ‘they’ lie, it’s ok. Should victims lie, it’s held against them over and over – for one purpose alone: to get hold and keep children.


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About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem:
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