WHO’S AFRAID of Maurice Kirk? South Wales Police plus ???

I got a phone call this morning so I had confirmed what was put on his website yesterday:

  • he was released into a ‘bail hostel’ in Swansea under Draconian conditions
  • furthermore, he is on MAPPA level 3, i.e. he is considered to be as dangerous as top level terrorists
  • for him it means a repeat of the SHOOT TO KILL licence – when he was on MAPPA before.

Remarkable what South Wales Police manage to control: judges, courts and prisons! But then people are only doing their job and preserving their pension, even though the IMF plans to destroy pension savings worldwide… But what are they afraid of?

Lynne Featherstone MP told us yesterday that she thinks police investigations need to be the prompt answer to organised child sexual abuse:

  • a national enquiry would take 2 years
  • a Royal Commission would take 5 years.

But after Hillsborough and other police whistleblowing, who trusts the Police?

Welcome to ‘Anarchy UK‘ – the result of

As a PS: the German tabloid BILD reports on the child abuse scandal in Parliament

About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem: https://primenumbers.store/
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4 Responses to WHO’S AFRAID of Maurice Kirk? South Wales Police plus ???

  1. JM says:

    how is the man holding up? any further contact with him yet? i’ve been offline few days and just catching up now…


  2. Pingback: McKENZIE FRIEND par excellence punished by MAPPA and Illegal Imprisonment with Torturous Conditions | Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police

  3. Pingback: Is there a politician, journalist or lawyer able to rescue Maurice Kirk from the State? | Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police

  4. Pingback: The Tap Blog | Britain’s child-stealing paedophile government shocks the world

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